Sunday, November 13, 2005

Walks and Parades

Today we did a nature walk at Thompson’s Wood…definitely something to see. We just walked for about 15 minutes before deciding that maybe the path wasn’t heading anywhere, then turned around. It was a very pleasant walk though, nothing difficult, even for the boys though at times we carried Aaron because he was bothered by the fact that he couldn’t see his feet in some of the long grass. We headed down into a bit of a valley, but everything was just so lush and beautiful. The weather today was good for it too…clear skies and hot in town, cooler in the country. It was actually a bit chilly on the walk, so we were glad of our warm tops. One can always expect a few degrees colder weather inland.

Friday was Remembrance Day, so there was a parade today in honour of it. Quite a bit thing on the island – they seem to have a lot of traditions and celebrations, which is kind of nice. Nick was out preaching, so I got a lift to town with a church member, then we watched the parade and saw the governor get out of his car, but then left when they started the actual service as the boys were getting bored.

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