Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Triops update and dog bite

The triopses are getting interesting. There are two really big ones, about 2cm by now from head to the end of their bodies, not counting the spiked tail at the end. There were about 10 yesterday, and now we can only see about 6. Suspect the big ones are eating the little ones when they are moulting (have seen lots of empty exoskeletons floating about). The big ones are extremely ugly now, with all sorts of pointy bits coming out their sides, and lots and lots and lots of legs, and their scaly backs. It’s kind of like having cockroaches for pets – one doesn’t really know if one should keep feeding them and letting them live. Still, we’ll see how long the experiment lasts.

Aaron got bitten by a dog yesterday on his face. Not very bad, and it was partially his fault because he petted the dog from behind, so the dog twirled around and just caught Aaron on the bridge of his nose and grazed his chin. He was quite upset so I rushed him home and administered sugar granules and antiseptic creams.

Today I took mom and dad to High Knoll Fort, which they both found very interesting, and then to the Knollcombes Baptist Chapel and the Boer Cemetery. It was great to be out with them, and show them the island spots about which we’ve been thinking “mom and dad will love this bit”.

Dad did his “Sweet Hour of Prayer” farmer poem after bible study tonight, and the people thought it was very good. Then we all sang some Sankey hymns after that. Our people are really mom and dad’s kind of people…takes them to way back when they used to sing all those hymns three decades ago.

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