Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cooking Lesson

Nick volunteered to take us out to lunch today, so we left on foot (the golf having been taken away) to Queen Mary’s first of all to find out if they could bind loose carpets / offcuts, but they don’t. We would have to do it by hand if we want it edged off, which I don’t really fancy doing. Next we went to Spar and bought some little pizzas and sausages, which we took to Castle Gardens to eat. Caleb still thinks we should phone the governor to demand a MacDonalds. Despite being mid-winter, it was still pleasant out there, with a mildly warm breeze blowing. We didn’t tarry too long in the Gardens, but then took a leisurely walk home. As we got home, the garage chaps drove up with our fixed car. I finally had time to repaint the red chair during the afternoon. I gave it many more coats, and it looked like it stayed on top instead of settling in. The boys helped with supper - we wrapped potatoes in foil and stuck metal skewers through them, which also became a great science lesson (do you know that if you’re baking potatoes you should do this, because they cook quicker as the metal skewer is a good conductor, where potatoes are very bad?)

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