Thursday, August 10, 2006

Out visiting

Had a very good day today. I had arranged to visit with a friend this morning, and we had a great morning. The boys played outside for the most part; Elsa had a sprinkler on in the garden, and it didn’t take long for the boys to strip down to undies and play in it! They were quite good during the morning, although of course they had to interrupt several times for whatever reason, apart from the inevitable “mommy I hurt my toe/knee/finger”. Elsa had been sorting out some strawberry plants, and specially planted two little plants in separate containers for the boys to take home. Caleb is all ready to take care of his plant and would have watered it about five times today if I hadn’t restrained him after one watering. Let’s hope the enthusiasm lasts to carry him through to when it can get planted in the garden.

I finished sewing the curtains for the boys’ room, and hung them up while the boys were sleeping, so tomorrow I’ll hear their reaction when they wake up (hopefully later than usual since the curtains are thicker!)

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