Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Aaron turned 4 today. It’s been a really lovely day, and the sun has shone brightly most of the day, even in the country. The day started early with Aaron of course waking up too early and remembering it’s his birthday, and then waiting and waiting and waiting until about 6.30 when we all went downstairs and he and Caleb found the hidden presents and he opened them. He nearly screamed in delight with our choices. Nick took the whole day off, and at about 10 we went out to town, to buy some goodies for a picnic. We sort of “went to town” and bought chips, chocolates, biscuits, juices…since we weren’t having a party, we gave ourselves the liberty of getting whatever. Then we went to the DVD shop and hired a video for the afternoon, and popped in at an art exhibition being held in New Porteous House. The artist is an Australian chap who has been living here for about 20 years, and he does oils and watercolours, really beautiful work. After browsing around there, we headed off to Plantation House, and had our picnic on the field. That was very pleasant with the good weather, and I managed to get a good updated family photo. The boys ran around with the new swords and climbed trees and tried to cut the grass, and then we went for a short walk through the Forest. We didn’t walk too far because we were due at Jane’s house at 12.15. Jane is the new Public Solicitor who arrived on the island a month or two ago. She has two adopted Fijian children just a little younger than our boys. They live in a house called “Luffkin’s Towers”, with an extensive manicured lawn and beautiful gardens surrounded by lush greenery and huge trees, really a wonderful place for her children to play. Our boys were immediately absorbed into the gardens with bikes and the other two kids and the two nannies, so we were able to sit outside and chat with Jane. She is needing company for Isaac, who is too young for the nursery school and so is being privately tutored three times a week, so we’ve arranged for Aaron to join him tomorrow and see how it goes.

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