Thursday, May 03, 2007

No back-to-school blues or tomatoes

On Monday we started school again, and although I always slightly dread the first-day-back, it was absolutely fine. We’re back into the swing of it like we never had a break. The boys haven’t forgotten anything over the two week break! We’re reading a book called “Ten and Twenty”, about some French schoolchildren who have to hide some Jewish children during WWII. The children would have been around ten years old, in 1945…so we compared them with my dad, who would have been only slightly younger. What was really interesting is that one little boy’s name is Philip!

I went to Thorpes late afternoon today to see if I could find tomatoes, because they bring their fresh veggies in on a Wednesday afternoon. Because the truck was a bit late today, there was quite a gathering in the courtyard when they offloaded the produce, rather like a flock of birds around fresh elephant dung (we witnessed this once at a zoo). I would be lying to say that all that remained after the flock departed was a couple of cabbage leaves and half a carrot, but it was quite a frenzy anyway! No tomatoes for me, I’m afraid. Looking forward to the ship’s return from the Cape with lots of lovely produce for us.

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