Thursday, February 21, 2008

Yet another pitterer-patterer

Once again we have a baby bird in our care; this time a pigeon. I saw it this afternoon when I was walking up the road to take the car out of the garage – it was sitting in front of the church door. Although a fledgling, it’s quite big and has most of its feathers in place. Its body is so fat that I had to pick it up in two hands, and it was pretty docile. I took it around to our back yard, where of course the boys were very excited to see it, and we tried feeding it with a bit of bread. It wasn’t too interested, so I tried some milky pronutro, but it didn’t like that either. I tried some more bread again later in the afternoon, and this time it took it, right out of my fingers. Seems to prefer being fed than picking off the ground, but it wasn’t doing too badly at pecking stones and dirt off the workshop floor, where we are keeping it safely. Hopefully it’s not too far off from flying – I don’t fancy another four-week stint with a baby bird, although at least this one eats basically anything – no tricky mackerel diet!

The boys and I went with Nick to Prince Andrews School this afternoon where he had a guitar lesson. I needed to take some photos for the next museum layout which is currently only swirling around in my head. It was ‘some hot’ in town and out there, but it was pretty nice being out somewhere different. I knew two girls from our Saturday mornings, although only one of them comes now.

Nick is feeling a lot better today; he says his gum feels a bit bruised, but there is no actual pain. His face is a bit swollen.

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