Sunday, November 16, 2008

Almost solitary Sunday

The boys came home from their sleepover at about 10.45 today (I had the morning to myself while Nick was at church…what bliss!). Well, when I say boys, I mean there were two, but I only recognized one of them, Caleb. The other boy looked like Aaron but didn’t act like him. This boy was sulky and grumpy and said he was very tired. I suggested he have a rest, which he did and even fell asleep. Shame. I think Aaron is back now though. Lunch was lasagna which I declared to be as good as my mom’s version. Except that mine was runny. But it had that lovely green pepper taste, and since I had a salad with it I felt like I was right back ‘home’! The rest of Sunday was spent in traditional Sunday style: at home, doing this and that.

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