Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pumpkin isn't poisonous after all

Yesterday Nick very kindly cut up the two small pumpkins which Nick W gave us on Saturday, as it takes me a long time and is rather tiring. Considering Nick’s distaste of pumpkins, it was a job well done! I cooked the pumpkins and took out some to make pumpkin fritters, using the rest in a gigantic pot of soup. I used my biggest pot, and it was almost full to the brim while it was simmering. Really delicious! We had that for supper last night, some for lunch today, and we will have the rest for tomorrow night’s supper, with Pam and Maddy joining us. Nick is quite happy with the pumpkin in the soup.

Today’s school was fine again – I’ve been enjoying school again, and it’s going a lot better. I had to help Caleb with his Maths – just a temporary confusion over carrying into the tens’ and hundreds’ column. Aaron is picking up speed in his Maths and is only about four lessons behind Caleb. It’s a good arrangement now though – Aaron just does Maths as long as Caleb is busy with his allocated worksheet. When Caleb finishes, Aaron stops where he is (or sometimes goes until he’s finished a page, at his own bidding). We’ve been studying microbes and Louis Pasteur, and now we’re doing a book called “What makes you ill” which is quite interesting. We’ve also learned about food groups and general health and stuff…it’s funny to hear Caleb say, “let’s get some protein” before having a handful of peanuts! Caleb is getting quite into fitness, exercise and healthy eating; he voluntarily eats bananas now, and runs up and down Piccolo and then does push-ups, before showing me his bulging muscles. I asked him if he’s becoming more interested in his body and health since doing health etc in biology, but he said no, it’s because he’s heard that Dad and the Governor are two of the fittest people on the island, and he reckons he can also get fit. (His Dad isn’t one of the fittest people, by the way…Sally is probably the fittest, Buffalo a close second, and the governor after that. Nick is on par in fourth position!).

In the afternoon I beaded - I've been getting a lot of stuff made in preparation for the cruise ship on Friday.

Supper tonight was gammon steaks, chips and pumpkin fritters…the fritters were more like an hors d’ouvre because they were ready before the supper, and are really more of a tea-time item anyway. The boys had been begging me to make them for ages – that’s another thing I can cross of my domestic list for now! Nick even had a couple – he said he couldn’t taste the pumpkin. Of course they only taste like pumpkin, but he doesn’t really know what that tastes like because he never has it. I added a lot of cinnamon…they were very good. Gareth, Nick’s guitar pupil, had two on his way out too!

Nick’s bible study this evening was cancelled…again…he is very disappointed. The Guides’ Hall where they usually meet is covered in paint, or full of paint, so can’t be used.

Oh, I just couldn't resist this:

Apparently old cardboard boxes make fine beds.

1 comment:

The Williamsons said...

Good golly, look at that kitty! It's the one we called Geita. She's nearly all grown up!