Thursday, February 12, 2009

More blessings

This morning the fish man came by during our tenzees. Margaret and DT were already out there, but before chatting to them I bought some fish. The fish man knows me and seems to know what my fish preferences will be, I guess judging by which of his previous offerings I screwed up my face at. Sometimes he shows me strange fish and usually prefaces the opening of the cooler box with “I don’t think you’ll like this, but…”. He’s usually right – fish with many small bones are a waste of time. Today he thought I might like to try Cavalley, which I’ve never heard of. It is a white fish similar to Wahoo with no little bones. I thought I’d give it a bash, so we had it for supper tonight. I couldn’t really taste the fish through the garlic cheese sauce and spaghetti, but the texture was very nice.

Nick picked up a proof of the book he is getting published from Printech today. It looks really great in its draft form and will be better in the final copy with a thicker cover etc. It’s quite exciting to have taken it this far! He’s getting 500 copies printed, and we’re hoping to send some to South Africa for the various supporting churches to sell – all the proceeds are going to our rockfall relief fund.

After Nick was home and I could use the car again, I drove to the other side of the island to collect some parcels from my parents which they sent in Cindy’s crate – very convenient! I had a cup of tea with Cindy and caught up on the year before she needed to fetch the girls from school. I had requested just a few beads and findings – my parents lovingly managed to fill FOUR shoe boxes with raisins, biscuits, socks, beads, glue and tape for scrapping, chocolates, games, tea and clothing, and even their very own set of Mexican Train Dominoes (they couldn't purchase another set in the shops, as it's out of stock, so sacrificed their own - and have been restricted to Rummikub as an alternative!). It was that Christmas feeling all over again.

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