Saturday, April 04, 2009

Well done, boys!

We had fun in school, as I was awarding stickers for good behaviour, good work, good spelling, writing, maths, etc. The boys wanted to outdo each other in how many they earned, but in the end they both got about 8. Aaron did a fantastic piece of ‘retelling’ about the story of Jonah, which filled two sides of ruled A4 pages. I was mightily impressed and very proud of him. Caleb cried about this assignment yesterday when we laid the groundwork, but today he also did very well at it. So school today was very positive. The afternoon was taken up with scrapping, looking at beads on the internet, and sweeping the courtyard and storeroom (and of course, playing with the kittens). Little Charlotte, the rat-cat, is so tiny that she can sleep comfortably curled up in my hand, which she did for a while today. I have to keep encouraging Granny Cat to feed her. Granny seems to be carrying the burden of caring for the kittens – Simon still wants to play but occasionally feeds them. The boys are also very much enjoying the little pets.

This evening after supper I showed the boys how to arm wrestle, and had a go with Caleb. I was not prepared for his match of strength – he nearly beat me! Either he is a strong little boy or I am particularly weak. Of course he didn’t stand a chance against Nick but had fun trying anyway.

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