Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The end of the pumpkin patch

I took myself off to Flagstaff in the afternoon, looking for interesting photo matter. I tried a shot of the wind turbines which worked pretty well, but I have so much dust on my sensor that the picture is pretty much ruined. On the way home, driving slowly along the muddy and uneven track, I happened upon a flock of wirebirds playing in a puddle. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the boys had enlisted Tom’s help in ripping up the pumpkin patch – yippee!!! Not that we haven’t enjoyed the pumpkins (or squash, or whatever they actually were), but the straggling plants left over did not look very good anymore. We once more have a pathway for access to the car instead of trekking through the long grass, where we have left a considerable footpath. The boys went around Longwood selling the 8 or so remaining squashes that they harvested yesterday. Four binbags later we still hadn’t finished bagging up the vines – it was getting late.

1 comment:

The Williamsons said...

That's one of the best pictures of a wirebird I've ever seen!
The picture I took has to be zoomed in so that you can even tell what it is.