Thursday, November 26, 2009

4 weeks to go

This morning there were two darling little kitties sitting on the doorstep of the storeroom. Mother Cat finally decided to show us her latest offspring, now nearly two months old. The gorgeous tabby allowed itself to be picked up and held although not without some fuss and struggle, but the black cat screamed like a … well, I don’t know exactly what a banshee is but I’m pretty certain that this kitten screamed like a banshee, tiny paws splayed to reveal crows-feather sharp claws. Oh, I’ve just run a thesaurus check on ‘banshee’ and I see it is synonymous to ghoul, poltergeist, specter and phantom. I don’t suppose that category of imaginary beings make any real noise then, so it wasn’t like a banshee at all. It was more like a very terrified kitten being picked up by a Very Large Red Monster (a mammoth mammoth). During the rest of the day the kittens came and went. I don’t know that we’ll be able to tame them sufficiently to find homes for them.


Genevieve said...

Such a pretty kitten? Have you seen our kittens on Ema's blog?j

Genevieve said...

Pardon the sloppy comment...its late.
Should have said "Such a pretty kitten!"