Monday, February 15, 2010

Ready, set, ...

Last week after our Golden Harvesting with Glen and Antje, we jokingly said "same time same place next week" - assuming we would be long gone already. Of course as the week unfolded it turned out that we weren't long gone, so we spent the afternoon together at the park. This time though, instead of meeting there, we met at the Northgate ice arena for the kids to skate. Amanda and Rachel have weekly lessons so they really cook on the ice, but it was the boys' first exposure to gliding across a slippery surface on thin blades. They hovered close to the barrier throughout, but by the end of about two hours they were making good progress. We ate our lunch at the rink then went to the park around 1.30 pm. The kids went off for a walk together, and Glen and Nick followed them shortly after, leaving Antje and I to talk - she is such a blessing and I thank God for her! It wasn't long before Nick came running back shouting, "our passports are ready"!! A whole day early, praise God! We packed up, said our final final teary farewells to the Thompsons, dropped the boys off at home then haretailed it to Pretoria to collect the passports. How very exciting! Supper was pizza at Bruce and Debbie again - it's been great seeing them in this overtime time!

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