Monday, August 23, 2010

Feed the birds

Today: sunny, warm, amazing!! Forecasts for the rest of the week predict more gloom, but today was just a wonderful respite from it. Got two loads of washing hung (outside, nogal), the house vacuumed and tidied, schooled the boys, went shopping, took Caleb to his very first piano lesson (he is so excited - Joan has kindly taken him on as a pupil), got photos developed, found another stretch of beach needing exploring, cooked tea of chicken, wedges and crudites, and then went out to collect our very own copy of Dutch Blitz which we bought off TradeMe - the traders happen to be known to us so we called in for a short visit, before returning Rene and Bron's game. It's been well used this week, with both boys picking it up quite competently.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome pic of the birds, with the illusion of speed of zoom, or something.