Monday, January 10, 2011

It's off to work I go

Yesterday was quiet - Nick was glad to be home between services for some catching up on himself after the day of wood chopping on Saturday. Had the Camerons around for tea after the pm service - good to catch up with them between holidays!

Today was a 'first since' for me...first full day of working since Caleb was born. I am temping for a few days this week at Presbyterian Support, doing three full days of solo reception. I did an afternoon for them last year before starting work at TCS, but my retention of procedures and names from back then was scant! So, a major learning curve and a busy day...I was thrashed when I got home. Meanwhile, the boys had spent the day with Caleb and Josh and got involved in some goat herding, and watched Matt fell a tree with a chainsaw and tractor. All very exciting boy stuff. Nick divided his home-alone day between sermon prep and wood chopping; we have a growing pile of pine in front of the house which needs to dry out. Caleb and Aaron also enjoy short bursts of chopping occasionally - such manly labour!

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

Wise to be preparing for next winter already.