Saturday, February 19, 2011

Of animals, models and food

And what of today...Nick found a hedgehog in the back yard while he was cutting and stacking wood and shuffling pinecones from one location to another. The boys were understandably excited, and made a cosy little home for it from which it quickly escaped, only to turn up in the front yard later to snack on some discarded corn chips. They are a little germy though so one has to be careful with thorough hand-washing afterwards. Nick did his fortyearly clothing shopping today, having found some good threads on sale at Farmers. His wardrobe is needing a bit of an update anyway as he no longer preaches in a tie (apparently only 18% of UK bankers and corporate types wear ties are finally breaking free from the restraining noose of conformity {but will they be burning them, I wonder??}). I pleaded, cajoled and coerced Nick into posing for me for a blog pic - I think he makes a smashingly good model but he is convinced that this is not his forte. Had an unexpected invitation for tea from the Camerons, who took us out to the Sukhothai Restaurant in town for Thai food...and what great food!!! We had a most excellent meal and evening despite (or because of?) getting really silly with food-in-teeth gags and the like. Thanks Matt and Rachel!


Helen Williams said...

Super Model material Nick, we will be seeing you in the mags soon.
Interesting about the TIES, there are still alot of High School who still have ties. All 5 high school in timaru still wear them. Very Interesting.

Catherine said...

Praying for your family and church family after reading about the earthquake. Hope all is well.
