Monday, May 02, 2011

And May's beginning

So far it's been nothing but cloudy and cold the whole of May!!! Good thing we're only two days into it. It's been seriously cold...sitting around 10 degrees yesterday and today. But enough about the weather and on to more important topics: the doctrine of Monergistic Regeneration! Nick's sermon yesterday was just so good - this is not a boast about my husband's preparatory and oratory skills as much as a boast about God's grace and wisdom. I'm loving theology! We had a fellowship lunch after the morning service and a lot of people stayed, and stayed was great to have so many people keen to talk and mingle.

And today's big news is that I've launched into a teacher's aide position again - also part-time, fitting in very well with my current hours at Callander Girl Photography. I'm assisting a special-needs homeschooled fellow and although I had made his acquaintance already, it was good to start getting to know him a bit better. We thought today might be a write-off in terms of actual productivity what with me not knowing the daily routines and what happens next and who does what and what goes where, but we actually settled into some pretty serious work quite fast. And after 2 1/2 hours we had a game of wii tennis...this frittering away of time is actually smiled upon as a bonding means...bring it on!!! Went straight to the studio after this most excellent morning and although Rachel is away, I still had plenty to do. Wrapped things up just in time to be a few minutes early in getting to school to fetch the boys. They enjoyed their first day back and have set personal goals...Caleb's is to be better at speeling (crossed out and replaced with spelling), and Aaron's has to do with swimming improvement. There wasn't much outdoor time for them - I think the heavy greyness drives even the most hardcore people indoors - so they played target practice with their nerf guns in the passage. Nick wanted to play too after tea, so he and Caleb had a right old shooting match, in and out of doorways, laughing and panting and trying to avoid stumbling over dear old photographer Mom squatted in an apparently safe corner of the passage. I only got shot in the head once or twice.

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