Saturday, August 06, 2011

Bit of a stag night, what?

Had a very enjoyable day, catching up on 'stuff'...with having little time during the week now to do home things, weekend time becomes quite precious! Nick got busy with mowing the lawns and carting firewood, while I did housework, went shopping for birthday presents, and cleaned the church. Nick was out with the car when I needed to get to the church but since it's within walking distance it wasn't too much of a problem - but instead of walking Nick and I thought it would be fun if I took Aaron's scooter. Well. It wasn't fun. I nearly died of heart palpitations on the way there and had to lie on the church floor for five minutes to get my breath back. The way home was easier as it's mostly downhill and I must have looked a right sight...the mom with a bag of cleaning supplies whipping down the pavement on a too-short scooter.

At 5.45 Erin-Marie was dropped off at our house and Nick and I went out - we were guests at a joint birthday party for Lizzie and her mum, who we had heard much about but not yet met. It was a real treat for us to be there - Liz and Graham had expended hours in the effort of producing a three-course meal and transforming Liz's scrapbooking classroom into a stunning marquee with yards and yards of white fabric. Graham even went so far as to shoot the main course himself...and oh deer, the puns made our harts ache. Liz had organized some party games and it was great to get to know the four other couples besides the Gregorys and us over ice-breakers and nonsense. Live music and entertainment was also arranged, and helium balloons rounded off the evening although Nick and I had to leave before we could be transformed into chipmunk singers, to get back to relieve Erin of her child-minding duties. It was a most excellent evening!!

1 comment:

keewey said...

Didn't the classroom look awesome...sounds like it was a fun night for all. All the Gregory's are lovely people aren't they? Vicki who works at Artfull Crafts