Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Doing it the SA way

Every other Tuesday we have staff lunch at school, for which two staffers cater. This week it was Grant and Petru's turn, and being 'regte, egte Suid Afrikaners', they decided to have a full-on BRAAI (aka BBQ).  Apparently I got blamed for the chaos on Tuesday as the pair of them had some mild panic attacks in the kitchen and around the Weber...I take full responsibility if that's what came from egging them on, encouraging the crazy ideas, and helping them go all out!!  It was super fun and tasty as a summer braai should be, with potato bake, lamb, wors, chicken, pap en sous, salad and best of all, Coke!  Our fun and fellowship was cut short by a playground accident and the calling of an ambulance for a broken arm...never a dull day!

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