Saturday, March 17, 2012


It's official: today was a cracker-lackin' day!  We had weather such as we seldom even have in summer - clear blue skies without a hint of a southerly.  Bliss!!  As such, it was a very Saturdayish kind of Saturday with many Saturdaily activities happening.

Collectively as a family we:

Finished our sermon and played some iPod between times;
practiced cricket, both bowling and batting;
did three loads of washing;
practiced music;
chainsawed down the prolific bushes outside the diningroom and got as much into the green bin as possible, saving the rest for next week;
gave the boys a haircut and did a trial run of coloured hairspray, procured today from the $2 shop, for Friday's wacky-hair day;
and mowed the lawn.
That's not including the other unphotographed stuff, like cooking (mashed potatoes, chicken nibbles and steamed julienne carrots), cleaning the house, trying to organize a fundraiser wood-chopping event, and sitting in the sunshine eating hot-cross buns.  Phew!

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