Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Now we know our Dr's ABCs!

Today the boys and I attended the coffee morning at the church, in which Grant was doing a first aid demonstration. Shirley had phoned yesterday to ask if I would be coming - she likes to get the younger generation in during the holidays or whenever possible, and although I had not given it any thought, it seemed like the right thing to do. So I went, and it was very interesting with an informative and interactive session on CPR and what to do if you dislocate your hip or have a fall.  Fortunately no blood to deal with :)
Had toasties for lunch, then I did two hours of school work at home - school holidays don't mean that the work comes to a stop!   Drew some funny pictures with the boys where you draw a third of a person, then fold it over for the next person to continue.  We came up with some seriously odd looking creatures. 
At tea-time I sent the boys to the chip shop for one scoop, but then realized it would be dark when they went and said I’d drive them; they wanted to walk and cleverly thought to take a walkie-talkie and leave me one, so we were in contact the whole time and they were there and back in about ten minutes. They code named me “Wooden Spoon” and themselves “Two Little Boys”. It was fun! Skyped my parents after tea, then watched an episode of Mr Bean.

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