Friday, August 17, 2012

Twelfth to Seventeenth

So really, it's been raining almost non-stop this week...occasionally the clouds would stop seeping and weeping and things would dry off, and once or twice we caught a glimpse of sun, but it's been pretty miserable in Timaru.  Had a super-busy week with hockey practice Monday, dinner at friends on Tuesday which ended at midnight (the poor boys were up reading or playing Nick's iPod for most of that time, feeling a little trashed for school on Wednesday); music lessons and bible study on Wednesday, the boys' final hockey game (their teams v'd each other but the game was stopped a few times as the entire field disappeared in fog and they switched to an orange ball) and swing dancing on Thursday, and then finally a Chariots of Fire evening on Friday at Liz and Graham's - a good way to finish off the Olympics and a weekful of events!

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