Friday, October 12, 2012

King of the Castle - Five

Day 5...last day of HBC and we suggested that the kids dress up in some form of castle-themed stuff. We ran a quiz to recap all that had been taught over the week, dishing out points for answers. Seems the kids had retained a lot!
Olive, Cynthia and Shirley were fantastic extra hands over the week, pitching in wherever necessary and possible.  Here they are hard at work stitching up one of the pews which was accidentally slashed with a craft blade :(
The big activity of the morning was sumo wrestling, with hired suits and a mat - boys and girls alike loved it!!!! 
The littler guys were so cute in the suits which reached to their feet - they were ultra fun to watch as they bounced around on the mat with as much weight as they could muster...while the teens took it far more seriously - game on!!
Ran a short craft of preparing invitations to send home for parents to come back on Sunday afternoon for the prize-giving and summary...
...then photographed the teams with their castles....
...before unleashing them on our cleverly-planned 'Trash the Castle' game in which they had to dismantle their castles, drag all the cardboard out to Justus' waiting trailer, and be seated in their clean corner as fast as possible.  Within five minutes the hall was clear of all the rubbish!!
One last game and a final assembly, and then it was all over!  We averaged about 18 kids each day which was a good turnout.  Huge thank-you's will be said on Sunday at the prize-giving, and well done to Justus who put the whole programme together (and who will probably be trashed on Monday for the start of Term 4 - teachers are supposed to spend some time resting during the holidays, so this was a big sacrifice!).  We do pray that the kids who came from non-Christian families would have been reached by the gospel and come to understand their need to be rescued from the kingdom of darkness and be reconciled to the Good King!

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